The EPISODES Platform is now accessible at a new address:
15 March, 2025

Geophysical Methods for Mineral Exploration, Urban & Underground Space Development, and Environmental Sustainability

As a cutting-edge interdisciplinary field, geophysical exploration methods play a crucial role in natural resource exploration, urban underground space development, and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, diverse applications of geophysical exploration methods have a profound impact on promoting technological innovation and achieving sustainable development worldwide.

To further promote the development of geophysics, exchange and exhibit new technologies and methods in the field of geophysical exploration that have been developed and researched in recent years, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing will host an International Academic Workshop on Geophysical Methods. We will invite renowned experts and scholars in the field of geophysics from China and internationally to share the latest research progress, discuss the future development direction of the discipline, and jointly address the challenges faced.

Conference topics

  • Detection Technology for Geological Disaster Factors in Mines
  • Advancement in Deep Coalbed Methane Exploration and Development
  • Exploration Techniques and Advancements for Urban and Underground Space
  • Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of Mining Areas
  • Monitoring Technologies for Geological Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide

When: September 22-24, 2025
Where: Xiong'an New Area, China
Workshop language: English


State Key Laboratory of Fine Exploration and Intelligent Development in Coal, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)


Guandui Zou,
Yongxu Lu,

Photo By N509FZ, CC BY-SA 4.0

14 March, 2025

Demonstrating EPISODES' features on the example of new data implemented in Geo-INQUIRE project

The workshop is intended for geo-i goals (increase awareness and usage of the EPISODES platform that is one of the geo-i services). The workshop will include: the introduction and description of the concept of the EPISODES platform, the description of the episode and data it includes, the presentation of the basic functions of the Platform: episode viewing and data visualization.

Training providers will explain the Workspace and basic file operations, including data filtering. They will also introduce applications available on the EPISODES platform. The practical part of the workshop will include:

  • Exercise 1: Filtering the catalog of seismic phenomena,
  • Exercise 2: Seismogram peaking and other seismic signal processing methods: localization, spectral analysis and calculation of focal mechanisms,
  • Exercise 3: Determining seismic hazard parameters.

At the end of the workshop participants will be able to ask for individual consultations with workshop leaders.

When: May 15 – 16, 2025
Where: Online event
Workshop language: English
Registration: Please register here until May 10, 2025

More information about the event ›

26 February, 2025

EPISODES platform datathon in Krakow

Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet, Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences and Geo-INQUIRE are pleased to invite participants to an stationary workshop in a form of the datathon "Energy production related Geohazard estimation – EPISODES platform datathon".

Magnitude is a crucial parameter to evaluate the size of an earthquake. Several methods are described in literature, but one of the most reliable methods is moment magnitude. Estimation of this magnitude in anthropogenic seismic events may allow for better understanding of the seismogenic process leading to such events. It may also be used to calibrate the other magnitude estimates for particular seismic events.

When: 9-11 April 2025
Where: Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet, Nawojki 11, 30-950 Krakow
Workshop language: English
Registration: Please register here until 12 March 2025

More information about the event can be found at the Geo-INQUIRE website.

16 December, 2024

TCS-Anthropogenic Hazards Events in Bologna, Italy

Between the 20-22nd November, 2024, a successful series of EPOS Thematic Core Service -Anthropogenic Hazards (TCS-AH) events took place in Bologna, Italy. The events included the TCS-AH consortium board annual meeting and a Scientific Workshop on Induced Seismicity & Anthropogenic Hazards hosted by INGV and the University of Bologna.

TCS-AH consortium board (CB) and annual meeting

The Consortium Board meeting included TCS-AH members, innovation advisors, and technical section leaders. Alongside section and activity reports for 2024 and presentations from the TCS AH Director Ania Lesnodorska, governance elections took place at the meeting with the reappointment of Gilberto Saccorotti as CB chair and Ian Stimpson & Alex Garcia as Vice-Chairs. Open discussions and presentations, included:

  • Section Updates: Each technical section shared progress and challenges. Projects & Partnerships, and the Promotion & Dissemination teams highlighted the development of new materials including Induced Seismicity webinar videos and educational outreach resources.

  • EPISODES Platform Developments: Agnieszka Mtupa-Ndiaye and Joanna Kocot covered the implementation of new content within the latest release of the research infrastructure including the new multi-scale episodes; AE LAB-EXPERIMENT, ASPO & JAGUARS.

  • Future Engagements: Upcoming events like the RaSiM 11 Conference (in August 2025) and strategic collaboration with EPOS ERIC.

To foster new collaborations the meeting featured special TCS AH guest presentations from Diana Núñez from the University of Madrid, representing EPOS-Spain, and industry talks from Patricio Jorquiera Péndola with Carlos Rojas Puelles from CODELCO, Chile.

11 October, 2024

EPOS Data Portal training

EPOS is a distributed interdisciplinary infrastructure dedicated to the integration of data, services and resources of the solid Earth science research communities in Europe. The EPOS Data Portal is a virtual platform where FAIR principles are put into practice, enabling access to data and products from more than 280 scientific data services across Europe. The portal was publicly launched in April 2023 and since then is gaining visibility and new users. We are arranging a short interactive training webinar to introduce the portal to you and make your data search more efficient. Feel free to forward this invitation to your colleagues and students!

When: Wednesday 16th October 2024, 10:00-11:30 CEST

Event mini-site ›

Event registration page ›

17 September, 2024

Kick Off meeting of the TCS AH project

On September 10, 2024, in Krakow, IG PAS organized the Kick-Off meeting starting the implementation of the project "TCS AH (Thematic Core Service Anthropogenic Hazards)", financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the program "Support for the participation of Polish research teams in international research infrastructure projects." The project will be implemented from 2024 to 2028 by a consortium consisting of:

  • Institute of Geophysics PAS (IG PAS) – Coordinator
  • University of Science and Technology – Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet (CYFRONET)
  • Central Mining Institute – National Research Institute (CMI)
  • Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science (UPWr)
  • Institute of Geological Sciences PAS (IGS PAS)

The project coordinator is Professor Stanisław Lasocki from the Department of Seismology at IG PAS. The agreement on the implementation and financing of the project was signed on August 8, 2024.

The project consortium consists of Polish scientific organizations that are members of the international TCS AH consortium, operating within the EPOS ERIC structures. The TCS AH consortium is responsible for:

  • Integration of the research infrastructure (RI) for research on induced seismicity and other geophysical hazards related to the exploitation of georesources;
  • Developing methods for analyzing hazards related to the exploitation of georesources;
  • Developing and providing industry stakeholders with guidelines for good practice in monitoring, assessing, and reducing hazards related to the exploitation of georesources;
  • Providing the public with expert knowledge on hazards accompanying the exploitation of georesources and indicating a mutually beneficial compromise between the needs of the economy and the social needs of living in an undisturbed environment.

The integrated TCS AH research infrastructures are made available to the global scientific community for scientific research purposes. Open access is also provided to representatives of industry, administration, non-governmental organizations, and other interested parties. The project co-finances the participation of the Anthropogenic Hazards Community in the EPOS program and supports the maintenance and development of the TCS AH research infrastructure managed by the consortium.

Project Tasks

The project objectives will be implemented through 4 key tasks:

  1. Governance and Coordination of TCS AH – Task Leader: IG PAS
    Management tasks related to coordination and participation in the international TCS AH consortium.

  2. TCS-ICS Implementation – Task Leader: CYFRONET
    Tasks related to the integration of the TCS AH research infrastructure with the central EPOS hub Integrated Core Service (ICS-C).

  3. Dissemination and Promotion – Task Leader: IG PAS
    Dissemination of knowledge on anthropogenic hazards, promotion of the TCS AH infrastructure, and the activities of the consortium.

  4. EPISODES Platform and Data Centers – Task Leader: CYFRONET
    Constant activities maintaining the efficiency and development of the EPOS TCS AH research infrastructure.
    Maintaining the functionality of the EPISODES platform as a server for the integrated TCS AH infrastructure.

Participants of the Meeting

The meeting, held at the IG PAS headquarters in Krakow, was attended by representatives of all consortium members:

  • IG PAS: Prof. Stanisław Lasocki, Prof. Beata Orlecka-Sikora, Izabela Dobrzycka from the Department of Seismology, and Anna Leśnodorska and Agnieszka Mtupa-Ndiaye from the TCS AH Coordination Department.
  • CYFRONET: Dr Mariusz Sterzel, Joanna Kocot, Hubert Siejkowski, Tomasz Balawajder from the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Scientific Computing.
  • CMI: Adam Lurka, Prof. GIG from the Department of Geology and Geophysics.
  • UPWr: Jan Kapłon, Prof. UPWr from the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics.
  • IGS PAS: Prof. Stanisław Mazur, Director of IGS PAS, representing the Research Centre in Kraków.
18 April, 2024

TCS AH workshop on the EPISODES Platform as part of the Geo-INQUIRE project

On April 10 and 11, 2024, in Krakow, at the AGH Main Library a two-day workshop on the use of the EPISODES Platform took place. The workshop was organized as the side event of the conference "The Polish Open Science Conference 2024", organized by the Academic Computer Center Cyfronet AGH.

The workshop was organized and conducted by the Institute of Geophysics PAS Team as part of the Work Package 9 (Fostering cross-disciplinary research of the Earth through training and workshops) of the Geo-INQUIRE (Geosphere INfrastructures for QUESTIONS into Integrated REsearch) project.

Geo-INQUIRE project is carried out at the institute at IG PAS under the supervision of Prof. Mariusz Majdański, under framework of the Horizon Europe program, provides and enhances access to selected key data, products, and services, enabling the dynamic processes within the geosphere to be monitored and modelled at new levels of spatial and temporal detail and precision. Geo-INQUIRE aims to overcome cross-domain barriers, especially the land-sea-atmosphere environments, and will exploit innovative data management techniques, modelling and simulations methods, developments in AI and big data, and extend existing data infrastructures to disseminate these resources to the wider scientific community, including the EOSC landscape.

One of the elements of this infrastructure is the infrastructure managed by the EPOS Thematic Core Service Anthropogenic Hazards Consortium (TCS AH), the most important element of which is the EPISODES Platform. The workshop was conducted by Grzegorz Lizurek, and Helena Ciechowska, from the Department of Seismology, IG PAS.

Participants of "The Polish Open Science Conference 2024" had opportunity to participate in the workshop and listen to the presentation on FAIR data concept. The Polish Open Science Conference is a unique event in Poland, devoted to issues related to various aspects of Open Science, bringing together all stakeholders related to the collection, sharing and management of research data, creation of repositories and scientific infrastructures, development of initiatives related to EOSC, sharing publications, articles and monographs in Open Access, as well as issues related to openness in the context of scientific evaluation.

Dr Lena Thöle from Utrecht University Library, who represented the Geo-INQUIRE project team, delivered speech during the conference. The presentation entitled "How to make your data FAIR - and what gets in the way" discussed very important aspects of scientific data management under the FAIR concept (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).

The presentation titled: "Thematic Core Service Anthropogenic Hazards, history, activities, EPOS - the way to the research excellence" was delivered by Anna Leśnodorska, Head of the IG PAS TCS Coordination Department. Anna Leśnodorska presented the concept of open science and open data implemented by the TCS AH Consortium and made available through the TCS AH infrastructure.

11 March, 2024

Workshop at Polish Open Science Conference

EPOS Thematic Core Service Anthropogenic Hazards Workshop on EPISODES Platform introduces the EPISODES Platform's concept and functions, including viewing episodes, visualizing data, and using the workspace. Exercises will cover filtering seismic data, signal processing, and calculating seismic hazard parameters.

Participants will learn to use the EPISODES Platform to analyze seismic processes triggered by geo-resource activities, posing potential environmental risks.

This workshop, organized by EPOS Thematic Core Service and Geo-INQUIRE, is ideal for early-career students, researchers, and catastrophe modelers. They promote equality, diversity, and inclusion, particularly supporting women, early-career scientists, and individuals from widening countries.

When: 11-12 Apr 2024
Where: AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland

Details and registration >